Pandas - Data Analysis with Python#

(last update 11/10/23)

Pandas is a high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools.


There is abundance of data and we should/need to make sense of it

(We will work with these ones today in lecture* or exercises**)

What is Pandas good for?#

Working with (large) data sets and created automated data processes.

Pandas is extensively used to prepare data in data science (machine learning, data analytics, …)


  • Import and export data into standard formats (CSV, Excel, Latex, ..).

  • Combine with Numpy for advanced computations or Matplotlib for visualisations.

  • Calculate statistics and answer questions about the data, like

  • What’s the average, median, max, or min of each column?

    • Does column A correlate with column B?

    • What does the distribution of data in column C look like?

  • Clean up data (e.g. fill out missing information and fix inconsistent formatting) and merge multiple data sets into one common one

More information#

This lecture#

  • Part1 Introduction to Pandas

  • Part2 Hands on examples with real data


  • If you have Anaconda: Already installed

  • If you have Miniconda: conda install pandas

  • If you have your another Python distribution: python3 -m pip install pandas

Let’s dive in

import pandas as pd

Pandas Series object#

Series is 1d series of data similar to numpy.array.

series = pd.Series([4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
array([4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=5, step=1)
(series.values.dtype, series.index.dtype)
(dtype('int64'), dtype('int64'))

We see that series are indexed and both values and index are typed. As we saw with numpy this has performance benefits. The similarity with numpy.array

import numpy as np

np.power(series, 2)
0    16
1    25
2    36
3    49
4    64
dtype: int64

However, the indices do not need to be numbers (and neither need to be the values)

values = list(range(65, 75))
index = [chr(v) for v in values]
series = pd.Series(values, index=index)
A    65
B    66
C    67
D    68
E    69
F    70
G    71
H    72
I    73
J    74
dtype: int64

The series than behaves also like a dictionary, although it supports fancy indexing.

series["A"], series["D":"H"]
 D    68
 E    69
 F    70
 G    71
 H    72
 dtype: int64)

Continuing the analogy with dictionary a possible way to make series is from a dictionary

data = {
    "Washington": "United States of America",
    "London": "Great Britain",
    "Oslo": "Norway",
series = pd.Series(data)
Washington    United States of America
London                   Great Britain
Oslo                            Norway
dtype: object

Note that for values that are amenable to str we have the string methods …

London                   GREAT BRITAIN
Oslo                            NORWAY
dtype: object

… and so we can for example compute a mask using regular expressions (here looking for states with 2 word names) …

mask = series.str.match(r"^\w+\s+\w+$")
Washington    False
London         True
Oslo          False
dtype: bool

… which can be used to index into the series

London    Great Britain
dtype: object

Some other examples of series indexing

(series[0], series["London":"Oslo"], series[0:2])
('United States of America',
 London    Great Britain
 Oslo             Norway
 dtype: object,
 Washington    United States of America
 London                   Great Britain
 dtype: object)

We can be more explicit about the indexing with indexers loc and iloc

(series.iloc[0], series.loc["London":"Oslo"], series.iloc[0:2])
('United States of America',
 London    Great Britain
 Oslo             Norway
 dtype: object,
 Washington    United States of America
 London                   Great Britain
 dtype: object)
London    Great Britain
Oslo             Norway
dtype: object
import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

But why does this matter? Consider

tricky = pd.Series(["a", "b", "c"], index=[7, 5, 4])
7    a
5    b
4    c
dtype: object
# Let's demonstrate that we can sort
tricky = tricky.sort_index()
4    c
5    b
7    a
dtype: object
# Here we are refering to the value at row where index = 4 and values where at first though second row!
# Try tricky.loc[4] vs tricky.iloc[4]
(tricky.loc[4], tricky[0:2])
 4    c
 5    b
 dtype: object)

Pandas DataFrame object#

Two dimensional data are represented by DataFrames. Again Pandas allows for flexibility of what row/columns indices can be. DataFrames can be constructed in a number of ways

def spreadsheet(nrows, ncols, start=0, cstart=0, base=0):
    data = base + np.random.rand(nrows, ncols)
    index = [f"r{i}" for i in range(start, start + nrows)]
    columns = [f"c{i}" for i in range(cstart, cstart + ncols)]
    # c0 c1 c2
    # r0
    # r1
    return pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=columns)

data_frame = spreadsheet(10, 4)
r0    0.341584
r1    0.154689
r2    0.829218
r3    0.860563
r4    0.482496
r5    0.623338
r6    0.951465
r7    0.330926
r8    0.805647
r9    0.038046
Name: c0, dtype: float64

For large frame it is usefull to look at portions of the data

data_frame = spreadsheet(10_000, 4)
data_frame.head(10)  # data_frame.tail is for the end part
c0 c1 c2 c3
r0 0.658119 0.888360 0.151696 0.680974
r1 0.519551 0.838755 0.180593 0.933276
r2 0.149844 0.110505 0.253935 0.506687
r3 0.582279 0.171603 0.414131 0.822162
r4 0.721373 0.428403 0.404248 0.841991
r5 0.432620 0.953647 0.023574 0.614961
r6 0.939906 0.018228 0.556107 0.012206
r7 0.836547 0.463066 0.802324 0.835970
r8 0.440520 0.777486 0.042400 0.008710
r9 0.165533 0.267046 0.287619 0.101397

We can combines multiple series into a frame

index = ("Min", "Ingeborg", "Miro")
nationality = pd.Series(["USA", "NOR", "SVK"], index=index)
university = pd.Series(["Berkeley", "Bergen", "Oslo"], index=index)

instructors = pd.DataFrame({"nat": nationality, "uni": university})
nat uni
Min USA Berkeley
Ingeborg NOR Bergen
Miro SVK Oslo
(instructors.index, instructors.columns)
(Index(['Min', 'Ingeborg', 'Miro'], dtype='object'),
 Index(['nat', 'uni'], dtype='object'))

Anothor way of creating is using dictionaries

f = pd.DataFrame(
        "country": ["CZE", "NOR", "USA"],
        "capital": ["Prague", "Oslo", "Washington DC"],
        "pop": [5, 10, 300],
country capital pop
0 CZE Prague 5
1 NOR Oslo 10
2 USA Washington DC 300

When some column is unique we can designate it as index. Of course, tables can be stored in various formats. We will come back to reading later.

# LaTex
import re

fi = f.set_index("country")

tex_table =
# To ease the prining
for row in re.split(r"\n", tex_table):
 & capital & pop \\
country &  &  \\
CZE & Prague & 5 \\
NOR & Oslo & 10 \\
USA & Washington DC & 300 \\
tex_table = fi.to_csv(sep=";")
# To ease the prining
for row in re.split(r"\n", tex_table):
USA;Washington DC;300

Going back to frame creation, recall that above, the two series had a common index. What happens with the frame when this is not the case? Below we also illustrate another constructor.

nationality = {"Miro": "SVK", "Ingeborg": "NOR", "Min": "USA"}
university = {"Miro": "Oslo", "Ingeborg": "Bergen", "Min": "Berkeley", "Joe": "Harvard"}
office = {"Miro": 303, "Ingeborg": 309, "Min": 311, "Joe": -1}
# Construct from list of dictionary using union of keys as columns - we need to fill in values for some
# NOTE: here each dictionary essentially defines a row
missing_data_frame = pd.DataFrame(
    [nationality, university, office], index=["nation", "uni", "office"]
Miro Ingeborg Min Joe
nation SVK NOR USA NaN
uni Oslo Bergen Berkeley Harvard
office 303 309 311 -1
# Just to make it look better
missing_data_frame = missing_data_frame.T
nation uni office
Miro SVK Oslo 303
Ingeborg NOR Bergen 309
Min USA Berkeley 311
Joe NaN Harvard -1

The missing value has been filled with a special value. Real data often suffer from lack of regularity. We can check for this

nation uni office
Miro False False False
Ingeborg False False False
Min False False False
Joe True False False

And the provide a missing value. Note that this can be done already when we are constructing the frame.

nation uni office
Miro SVK Oslo 303
Ingeborg NOR Bergen 309
Min USA Berkeley 311
Joe OutThere Harvard -1

Or discard the data. We can drop the row which has NaN. Note that by default any NaN is enough but we can be more tolerant (see how and thresh keyword arguments)

nation uni office
Miro SVK Oslo 303
Ingeborg NOR Bergen 309
Min USA Berkeley 311

Or we drop the problematic column. Axis 0 is row (just like in numpy)

uni office
Miro Oslo 303
Ingeborg Bergen 309
Min Berkeley 311
Joe Harvard -1

Note that the above calls are returning a new Frame, ie. are not in in-place. For this use .dropna(..., inplace=True)

Once we have the frame we can start computing with it. Let’s consider indexing first

nation uni office
Miro SVK Oslo 303
Ingeborg NOR Bergen 309
Min USA Berkeley 311
Joe NaN Harvard -1
# Get a specific series
Miro        SVK
Ingeborg    NOR
Min         USA
Joe         NaN
Name: nation, dtype: object
# Or several as a frame
missing_data_frame[["nation", "uni"]]
nation uni
Miro SVK Oslo
Ingeborg NOR Bergen
Min USA Berkeley
Joe NaN Harvard

Note that slicing default to rows

# Will fail because no rows names like that
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index.get_loc(self, key)
   3652 try:
-> 3653     return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key)
   3654 except KeyError as err:

File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx:147, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/_libs/index.pyx:176, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

File pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi:7080, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

File pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi:7088, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

KeyError: 'nation'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [37], line 2
      1 # Will fail because no rows names like that
----> 2 missing_data_frame["nation":"office"]

File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/, in DataFrame.__getitem__(self, key)
   3733 # Do we have a slicer (on rows)?
   3734 if isinstance(key, slice):
-> 3735     indexer = self.index._convert_slice_indexer(key, kind="getitem")
   3736     if isinstance(indexer, np.ndarray):
   3737         # reachable with DatetimeIndex
   3738         indexer = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(
   3739             indexer.astype(np.intp, copy=False), len(self)
   3740         )

File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index._convert_slice_indexer(self, key, kind)
   4130     indexer = key
   4131 else:
-> 4132     indexer = self.slice_indexer(start, stop, step)
   4134 return indexer

File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index.slice_indexer(self, start, end, step)
   6300 def slice_indexer(
   6301     self,
   6302     start: Hashable | None = None,
   6303     end: Hashable | None = None,
   6304     step: int | None = None,
   6305 ) -> slice:
   6306     """
   6307     Compute the slice indexer for input labels and step.
   6342     slice(1, 3, None)
   6343     """
-> 6344     start_slice, end_slice = self.slice_locs(start, end, step=step)
   6346     # return a slice
   6347     if not is_scalar(start_slice):

File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index.slice_locs(self, start, end, step)
   6535 start_slice = None
   6536 if start is not None:
-> 6537     start_slice = self.get_slice_bound(start, "left")
   6538 if start_slice is None:
   6539     start_slice = 0

File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index.get_slice_bound(self, label, side)
   6459         return self._searchsorted_monotonic(label, side)
   6460     except ValueError:
   6461         # raise the original KeyError
-> 6462         raise err
   6464 if isinstance(slc, np.ndarray):
   6465     # get_loc may return a boolean array, which
   6466     # is OK as long as they are representable by a slice.
   6467     assert is_bool_dtype(slc.dtype)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index.get_slice_bound(self, label, side)
   6454 # we need to look up the label
   6455 try:
-> 6456     slc = self.get_loc(label)
   6457 except KeyError as err:
   6458     try:

File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/, in Index.get_loc(self, key)
   3653     return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key)
   3654 except KeyError as err:
-> 3655     raise KeyError(key) from err
   3656 except TypeError:
   3657     # If we have a listlike key, _check_indexing_error will raise
   3658     #  InvalidIndexError. Otherwise we fall through and re-raise
   3659     #  the TypeError.
   3660     self._check_indexing_error(key)

KeyError: 'nation'
# See that slice goes for rows
nation uni office
Miro SVK Oslo 303
Ingeborg NOR Bergen 309
Min USA Berkeley 311

We can call indexers to rescue

missing_data_frame.loc[:, "nation":"uni"]
nation uni
Miro SVK Oslo
Ingeborg NOR Bergen
Min USA Berkeley
Joe NaN Harvard

Indexes can of course be more involed

missing_data_frame["office"] > 305
Miro        False
Ingeborg     True
Min          True
Joe         False
Name: office, dtype: bool
missing_data_frame.loc[missing_data_frame["office"] > 305, ["uni", "nation"]]
uni nation
Ingeborg Bergen NOR
Min Berkeley USA

Next let’s compute with the values in the frames

f0 = spreadsheet(4, 4)
c0 c1 c2 c3
r0 0.870461 0.789699 0.739024 0.860132
r1 0.785803 0.718719 0.580812 0.584109
r2 0.988713 0.956762 0.956623 0.851564
r3 0.559086 0.889881 0.990609 0.903777

Binary operation will align the frame - operation is valid only for the index-column pairs found in both and with will get missing for the rest

f1 = spreadsheet(5, 6)
f0 + f1
c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
r0 0.533858 0.997285 1.098653 1.032666 NaN NaN
r1 1.372231 0.804163 1.445381 1.393992 NaN NaN
r2 1.056678 0.809150 0.589316 0.936123 NaN NaN
r3 1.311115 0.863243 0.404915 0.961394 NaN NaN
r4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Note that this is note unique to frames and works (unsuprisingly on series too)

c00 = f0["c0"]
c10 = f1["c0"]
c00 + c10
r0    0.533858
r1    1.372231
r2    1.056678
r3    1.311115
r4         NaN
Name: c0, dtype: float64

Reduction operators default to be computed for each column

c0    0.906288
c1    0.514013
c2    0.883873
c3    0.519110
c4    0.910645
c5    0.811385
dtype: float64

For column wise reduction we need to specify the axis (axis=1)

r0    0.339750
r1    0.554993
r2    0.498857
r3    0.482604
r4    0.406889
dtype: float64

Pandas Index object#

In the previous usecase f0 + f1 we have seen that operation is performed for common keys - this suggests that we can do logical operations on indices. This is indeed the case

i0 = f0.index
i1 = f1.index
(i0.union(i1), i0.intersection(i1))
(Index(['r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4'], dtype='object'),
 Index(['r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3'], dtype='object'))

Indexes can be explicitely constructed. For working with time series it is useful to index by time. Let’s get timestamp indexing for every Day between 2 dates

import datetime

time = pd.date_range("2022-10-19"),"2022-12-20"),
DatetimeIndex(['2022-10-19', '2022-10-20', '2022-10-21', '2022-10-22',
               '2022-10-23', '2022-10-24', '2022-10-25', '2022-10-26',
               '2022-10-27', '2022-10-28', '2022-10-29', '2022-10-30',
               '2022-10-31', '2022-11-01', '2022-11-02', '2022-11-03',
               '2022-11-04', '2022-11-05', '2022-11-06', '2022-11-07',
               '2022-11-08', '2022-11-09', '2022-11-10', '2022-11-11',
               '2022-11-12', '2022-11-13', '2022-11-14', '2022-11-15',
               '2022-11-16', '2022-11-17', '2022-11-18', '2022-11-19',
               '2022-11-20', '2022-11-21', '2022-11-22', '2022-11-23',
               '2022-11-24', '2022-11-25', '2022-11-26', '2022-11-27',
               '2022-11-28', '2022-11-29', '2022-11-30', '2022-12-01',
               '2022-12-02', '2022-12-03', '2022-12-04', '2022-12-05',
               '2022-12-06', '2022-12-07', '2022-12-08', '2022-12-09',
               '2022-12-10', '2022-12-11', '2022-12-12', '2022-12-13',
               '2022-12-14', '2022-12-15', '2022-12-16', '2022-12-17',
               '2022-12-18', '2022-12-19', '2022-12-20'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

We generate the corresponding data and illustrate some plotting capabilities of Pandas

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

values = np.sin(np.pi / 10 * np.arange(len(time)))

time_series = pd.Series(values, index=time)
<AxesSubplot: >

Note that we are getting the nice xlabels for free!

Time indexing allows us to do some fancy opearations. For example we can have a look at the signal for only the first day of the week (Monday?). For other functionality see resample, ‘rolling’ means on windows ets.

time_series[time.weekday == 0].plot()
<AxesSubplot: >

Note the value of difference between to time indices

time[:4] - time[1:5]
TimedeltaIndex(['-1 days', '-1 days', '-1 days', '-1 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None)

The Timedelta object can be useful for shifting

diff = pd.Timedelta("1m")
time = time + diff
DatetimeIndex(['2022-10-19 00:01:00', '2022-10-20 00:01:00',
               '2022-10-21 00:01:00', '2022-10-22 00:01:00',
               '2022-10-23 00:01:00'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

Time stamps often come in different format. Pandas offers convenience functions for their conversion/parsing.

df = pd.DataFrame({"date": [1470195805, 1480195805, 1490195805], "value": [2, 3, 4]})
date value
0 1470195805 2
1 1480195805 3
2 1490195805 4

When was the clock started?

pd.to_datetime(df["date"], unit="s")
0   2016-08-03 03:43:25
1   2016-11-26 21:30:05
2   2017-03-22 15:16:45
Name: date, dtype: datetime64[ns]
import time

pd.to_datetime(pd.Series([0, time.time()]), unit="s")
0   1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000
1   2023-10-12 07:10:21.943605760
dtype: datetime64[ns]

Question: how can we get the years prior to 1970 to work?

Hierarchical indexing with MultiIndex#

Multiindexing is a way to handle higher order tensors, e.g. f(x, y, color). It also allows for organizing the data by establishing hierarchy in indexing. Suppose we have RGB image of 5 x 4 pixels. We could represent this as a table with channel x and y coordinate columns and 5 x 4 x 3 rows. A representation more true to the nature of the data would be to have a “column” for each color

column_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
    [["R", "G", "B"], [0, 1, 2, 3]], names=("color", "cindex")
MultiIndex([('R', 0),
            ('R', 1),
            ('R', 2),
            ('R', 3),
            ('G', 0),
            ('G', 1),
            ('G', 2),
            ('G', 3),
            ('B', 0),
            ('B', 1),
            ('B', 2),
            ('B', 3)],
           names=['color', 'cindex'])
image = pd.DataFrame(
    np.arange(60).reshape(5, 12),
    index=pd.Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], name="rindex"),
color R G B
cindex 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
3 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
4 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

We can have a look at the said “flat” representation of the data

color  cindex  rindex
R      0       0          0
               1         12
               2         24
               3         36
               4         48
       1       0          1
               1         13
               2         25
               3         37
               4         49
       2       0          2
               1         14
               2         26
               3         38
               4         50
       3       0          3
               1         15
               2         27
               3         39
               4         51
G      0       0          4
               1         16
               2         28
               3         40
               4         52
       1       0          5
               1         17
               2         29
               3         41
               4         53
       2       0          6
               1         18
               2         30
               3         42
               4         54
       3       0          7
               1         19
               2         31
               3         43
               4         55
B      0       0          8
               1         20
               2         32
               3         44
               4         56
       1       0          9
               1         21
               2         33
               3         45
               4         57
       2       0         10
               1         22
               2         34
               3         46
               4         58
       3       0         11
               1         23
               2         35
               3         47
               4         59
dtype: int64

Accessing the entries works as follows

image["R"]  # Column(s) where first multiindex is R
image.loc[:, ("R", 0)]  # Column multiindex by R, 0
image.loc[2, ("R", 1)]  # The entry

We can perform reduction operation


Combining datasets - appending#

Extend numpy.concatenate to pandas objects. We can combine data from 2 frames if they have some “axes” in common. Let’s start with 2 identical columns and do default vertical/row wise concatenation. Note that all the operations below create new DataFrame

# Unique row indices
d1 = spreadsheet(2, 2, base=0)
d2 = spreadsheet(4, 2, base=10)
          c0        c1
r0  0.904955  0.461721
r1  0.728287  0.227259
           c0         c1
r0  10.784765  10.696760
r1  10.949264  10.610865
r2  10.835922  10.139623
r3  10.458615  10.799789
pd.concat([d1, d2])
c0 c1
r0 0.904955 0.461721
r1 0.728287 0.227259
r0 10.784765 10.696760
r1 10.949264 10.610865
r2 10.835922 10.139623
r3 10.458615 10.799789

What if there are duplicate indices?

d1 = spreadsheet(2, 2, base=0)  # Has r0, r1
d2 = spreadsheet(2, 2, base=10)  # Has r0, r1
d12 = pd.concat([d1, d2])
          c0        c1
r0  0.887823  0.685323
r1  0.952741  0.543635
           c0         c1
r0  10.876731  10.797502
r1  10.161474  10.832729
c0 c1
r0 0.887823 0.685323
r1 0.952741 0.543635
r0 10.876731 10.797502
r1 10.161474 10.832729

We can still get values but this lack of uniqueness might not be desirable and we might want to check for it…

d12.loc["r0", :]
c0 c1
r0 0.887823 0.685323
r0 10.876731 10.797502
pd.concat([d1, d2], verify_integrity=False)  # True
c0 c1
r0 0.887823 0.685323
r1 0.952741 0.543635
r0 10.876731 10.797502
r1 10.161474 10.832729

… or reset the index.

pd.concat([d1, d2], ignore_index=True)
c0 c1
0 0.887823 0.685323
1 0.952741 0.543635
2 10.876731 10.797502
3 10.161474 10.832729

A different, more organized option is to introduce multiindex to remember where the data came from

d12 = pd.concat([d1, d2], keys=["D1", "D2"])
c0 c1
D1 r0 0.887823 0.685323
r1 0.952741 0.543635
D2 r0 10.876731 10.797502
r1 10.161474 10.832729
d12.loc["D1", :]
c0 c1
r0 0.887823 0.685323
r1 0.952741 0.543635

For frames sharing row index we can vertical/column wise concatenation

d1 = spreadsheet(2, 3, cstart=0)
d2 = spreadsheet(2, 3, cstart=3, start=5)
pd.concat([d1, d2], axis=1, verify_integrity=True)
          c0        c1        c2
r0  0.022688  0.677420  0.705416
r1  0.877029  0.949243  0.317691
          c3        c4        c5
r5  0.492914  0.206868  0.292487
r6  0.824141  0.039968  0.829352
c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
r0 0.022688 0.677420 0.705416 NaN NaN NaN
r1 0.877029 0.949243 0.317691 NaN NaN NaN
r5 NaN NaN NaN 0.492914 0.206868 0.292487
r6 NaN NaN NaN 0.824141 0.039968 0.829352
d1 = spreadsheet(2, 3, cstart=0)
d2 = spreadsheet(2, 3, cstart=3, start=1)
pd.concat([d1, d2], axis=1, verify_integrity=True)
          c0        c1        c2
r0  0.178587  0.155051  0.513482
r1  0.540436  0.585551  0.965622
          c3        c4        c5
r1  0.782119  0.806388  0.859816
r2  0.574038  0.615266  0.536074
c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
r0 0.178587 0.155051 0.513482 NaN NaN NaN
r1 0.540436 0.585551 0.965622 0.782119 0.806388 0.859816
r2 NaN NaN NaN 0.574038 0.615266 0.536074

What if we are appending two tables with slighlty different columns. It makes sense that there would be some missing data

d1 = spreadsheet(2, 2, cstart=0)  # Has c0 c1
d2 = spreadsheet(2, 3, start=0, cstart=1)  # c1 c2 c3
pd.concat([d1, d2], ignore_index=True)
          c0        c1
r0  0.151458  0.059844
r1  0.623653  0.035702
          c1        c2        c3
r0  0.946713  0.906110  0.300365
r1  0.514724  0.687296  0.905855
c0 c1 c2 c3
0 0.151458 0.059844 NaN NaN
1 0.623653 0.035702 NaN NaN
2 NaN 0.946713 0.906110 0.300365
3 NaN 0.514724 0.687296 0.905855

We see that the by default we combine columns from both tables. But we can be more specific using the join or join_axes keyword arguments

pd.concat([d1, d2], ignore_index=True, join="inner")  # Use the column intersection c1
0 0.059844
1 0.035702
2 0.946713
3 0.514724

Combining datasets - use relations to extend the data#

For pd.concant a typical use case is if we have tables of records (e.g. some logs of [transaction id, card number], [transaction id, amount]) and we want to append them. A different of way of building up/joining data is by pd.merge. Consider the following “relational tables”. From nationality we know that “Min” -> “USA” while at the same time university maps “Min” to “Berkeley”.

nationality = pd.DataFrame(
        "name": ["Min", "Miro", "Ingeborg", "Aslak"],
        "nation": ["USA", "SVK", "NOR", "NOR"],
university = pd.DataFrame(
        "name": ["Miro", "Ingeborg", "Min", "Aslak"],
        "uni": ["Oslo", "Bergen", "Berkeley", "Oslo"],
       name nation
0       Min    USA
1      Miro    SVK
2  Ingeborg    NOR
3     Aslak    NOR
       name       uni
0      Miro      Oslo
1  Ingeborg    Bergen
2       Min  Berkeley
3     Aslak      Oslo

Note that the frame are not aligned in their indexes but using pd.merge we can still capture the connection between “Min”, “Berkely” and “USA”

pd.merge(nationality, university)
name nation uni
0 Min USA Berkeley
1 Miro SVK Oslo
2 Ingeborg NOR Bergen
3 Aslak NOR Oslo

Above is an example of 1-1 join. We can go further and infer properties. Let’s have a look up for capitals of some states.

capitals = pd.DataFrame(
    {"nation": ["USA", "SVK", "NOR"], "city": ["Washington", "Brasislava", "Oslo"]}
nation city
0 USA Washington
1 SVK Brasislava
2 NOR Oslo

Combining nationality with capitals we can see that “Ingeborg -> NOR -> Oslo” and thus can build a table with cities

pd.merge(nationality, capitals)
name nation city
0 Min USA Washington
1 Miro SVK Brasislava
2 Ingeborg NOR Oslo
3 Aslak NOR Oslo

Above the merge happened on unique common columns. Sometimes we want/need to be more explicit about the “relation”.

# This table does not have the "nation" column
capitals2 = pd.DataFrame(
        "state": ["USA", "SVK", "NOR"],
        "city": ["Washington", "Brasislava", "Oslo"],
        "count": [4, 5, 6],
state city count
0 USA Washington 4
1 SVK Brasislava 5
2 NOR Oslo 6

We can specify which columns are to be used to build the relation as follows

# We will have nation and state but they represent the same so drop
pd.merge(nationality, capitals2, left_on="nation", right_on="state").drop(
    "nation", axis="columns"
name state city count
0 Min USA Washington 4
1 Miro SVK Brasislava 5
2 Ingeborg NOR Oslo 6
3 Aslak NOR Oslo 6

Indexes for row can also be used to this end. Let’s make a new frame which use state column as index.

state city count
0 USA Washington 4
1 SVK Brasislava 5
2 NOR Oslo 6
capitals_ri = capitals2.set_index("state")
city count
USA Washington 4
SVK Brasislava 5
NOR Oslo 6

It’s merge can now be done in two ways. The old one …

pd.merge(nationality, capitals_ri, left_on="nation", right_on="state")
name nation city count
0 Min USA Washington 4
1 Miro SVK Brasislava 5
2 Ingeborg NOR Oslo 6
3 Aslak NOR Oslo 6

… or using row indexing

pd.merge(nationality, capitals_ri, left_on="nation", right_index=True)
name nation city count
0 Min USA Washington 4
1 Miro SVK Brasislava 5
2 Ingeborg NOR Oslo 6
3 Aslak NOR Oslo 6

What should happen if the relation cannot be establised for all the values needed? In the example below, we cannot infer position for all the names in the nationality frame. A sensible default is to perform merge only for those cases where it is well defined.

jobs = pd.DataFrame({"who": ["Ingeborg", "Aslak"], "position": ["researcher", "ceo"]})

pd.merge(nationality, jobs, left_on="name", right_on="who")
name nation who position
0 Ingeborg NOR Ingeborg researcher
1 Aslak NOR Aslak ceo

However, by specifying the how keyword we can proceed with NaN for “outer” all the merged values or those in “left” or “right” frame.

pd.merge(nationality, jobs, left_on="name", right_on="who", how="outer")  # Inner
name nation who position
0 Min USA NaN NaN
1 Miro SVK NaN NaN
2 Ingeborg NOR Ingeborg researcher
3 Aslak NOR Aslak ceo

Finally, pd.merge can yield to duplicate column indices. These are automatically made unique by suffixes

pd.merge(jobs, jobs, on="who", suffixes=["_left", "_right"])
who position_left position_right
0 Ingeborg researcher researcher
1 Aslak ceo ceo

Data aggregation and transformations#

We have previously seen that we can extact information about min, max, mean etc where by default reduction happend for each fixed column. Hierchical indexing was one option to get some structure to what was being reduced. Here we introduce groupby which serves this purpose too.

data = pd.DataFrame(
        "brand": ["tesla", "tesla", "tesla", "vw", "vw", "mercedes"],
        "model": ["S", "3", "X", "tuareg", "passat", "Gclass"],
        "type": ["sedan", "sedan", "suv", "suv", "sedan", "suv"],
        "hp": [32, 43, 54, 102, 30, 50],
brand model type hp
0 tesla S sedan 32
1 tesla 3 sedan 43
2 tesla X suv 54
3 vw tuareg suv 102
4 vw passat sedan 30
5 mercedes Gclass suv 50

Let us begin by “fixing” a table - say we want to capitalize the “brand” data, e.g. mercedes -> Mercedes. Half-way solution could be

data["brand"] = data["brand"].str.upper()
brand model type hp
0 TESLA S sedan 32
1 TESLA 3 sedan 43
2 TESLA X suv 54
3 VW tuareg suv 102
4 VW passat sedan 30
5 MERCEDES Gclass suv 50

A better way is to use transform function to modify one series

0       Tesla
1       Tesla
2       Tesla
3          Vw
4          Vw
5    Mercedes
Name: brand, dtype: object

Update the table by assignment

data["brand"] = data["brand"].transform(str.capitalize)
brand model type hp
0 Tesla S sedan 32
1 Tesla 3 sedan 43
2 Tesla X suv 54
3 Vw tuareg suv 102
4 Vw passat sedan 30
5 Mercedes Gclass suv 50

transform mapping can be specified not only via functions but also strings (which map to numpy)

0     5.656854
1     6.557439
2     7.348469
3    10.099505
4     5.477226
5     7.071068
Name: hp, dtype: float64
data["hp"].transform(["sqrt", "cos"])  # Get several series out
sqrt cos
0 5.656854 0.834223
1 6.557439 0.555113
2 7.348469 -0.829310
3 10.099505 0.101586
4 5.477226 0.154251
5 7.071068 0.964966

When modifying the frame we can specify which series is specified by which function

data.transform({"hp": "sqrt", "type": lambda x: len(x)})
hp type
0 5.656854 5
1 6.557439 5
2 7.348469 3
3 10.099505 3
4 5.477226 5
5 7.071068 3

Note that simply passing len would not work. Therefore we pass in lambda and the transformation is applied element by element. In general, this way of computing will be less performant - Python’s for loop vs. (numpy) vectorization

Finally, we look at apply of the table. Here we get access to the entire row, i.e. we can compute with multiplire series.

def foo(x):
    x["w"] = x["hp"] * 0.7
    return x

data.apply(foo, axis="columns")  # NOTE: the new column index!
brand model type hp w
0 Tesla S sedan 32 22.4
1 Tesla 3 sedan 43 30.1
2 Tesla X suv 54 37.8
3 Vw tuareg suv 102 71.4
4 Vw passat sedan 30 21.0
5 Mercedes Gclass suv 50 35.0

Now that we are happy with the table we now want to gather information based on brand. If we split by brand we can think of 3 (as many as unique brand values) subtables. Within these subtables we perform further operations/reductions - they values with be combined in the final result.

g = data.groupby("brand", group_keys=True)
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x7f8a4aa25f10>

Note that we do not get a frame back but instead there is a DataFrameGroupBy object. This way we do not compute rightaway which could be expensive. We can verify that it it’s behavior is similar to the frame we wanted

{'Mercedes': array([5]), 'Tesla': array([0, 1, 2]), 'Vw': array([3, 4])}

The object supports many methods of the DataFrame so we can continue “defining” our processing pipiline. For example we can get the column

<pandas.core.groupby.generic.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x7f8a4b4dae50>

And finally force the computation

Mercedes     50
Tesla        54
Vw          102
Name: hp, dtype: int64

More complete description by describe

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Mercedes 1.0 50.0 NaN 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
Tesla 3.0 43.0 11.000000 32.0 37.5 43.0 48.5 54.0
Vw 2.0 66.0 50.911688 30.0 48.0 66.0 84.0 102.0

We can also use several aggregators at once by aggregate

g["hp"].aggregate(["min", "max"])
min max
Mercedes 50 50
Tesla 32 54
Vw 30 102


Another way of getting overview of the data is by pivoting (somewhat like groupby in multiple “keys”).

# View "hp" just as a function of brand where the remaining dimensions are aggregated
data.pivot_table("hp", index="brand", aggfunc="sum")
Mercedes 50
Tesla 129
Vw 132
# View "hp" just as a function of brand and type (leaving agg on models). WE have 2 types SUV and SEDAN
data.pivot_table("hp", index="brand", columns=["type"], aggfunc="sum")
type sedan suv
Mercedes NaN 50.0
Tesla 75.0 54.0
Vw 30.0 102.0
# Filling in missing data
data.pivot_table("hp", index="brand", columns=["model"], aggfunc="sum")
model 3 Gclass S X passat tuareg
Mercedes NaN 50.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
Tesla 43.0 NaN 32.0 54.0 NaN NaN
Vw NaN NaN NaN NaN 30.0 102.0

Hands on examples#

Let’s explore some datasets

1. Used cars

This dataset is downloaded from Kaggle and statistics on saled cars (ebay?). More precisely, having read the data by built-in reader read_csv we have

from pathlib import Path

import requests

def download_file(filename, url):
    path = Path(filename)
    if path.exists():
        return path
    print(f"Downloading {path}")
    with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
        with"wb") as f:
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
    return path

url = ""
filename = Path("data") / "used_car_sales.csv"
# download_file(filename, url)

data = pd.read_csv(
    "./data/used_car_sales.csv", dtype={"Mileage": int, "pricesold": int}
Index(['ID', 'pricesold', 'yearsold', 'zipcode', 'Mileage', 'Make', 'Model',
       'Year', 'Trim', 'Engine', 'BodyType', 'NumCylinders', 'DriveType'],
ID pricesold yearsold zipcode Mileage Make Model Year Trim Engine BodyType NumCylinders DriveType
0 137178 7500 2020 786** 84430 Ford Mustang 1988 LX 5.0L Gas V8 Sedan 0 RWD
1 96705 15000 2019 81006 0 Replica/Kit Makes Jaguar Beck Lister 1958 NaN 383 Fuel injected Convertible 8 RWD
2 119660 8750 2020 33449 55000 Jaguar XJS 1995 2+2 Cabriolet 4.0L In-Line 6 Cylinder Convertible 6 RWD
3 80773 11600 2019 07852 97200 Ford Mustang 1968 Stock 289 cu. in. V8 Coupe 8 RWD
4 64287 44000 2019 07728 40703 Porsche 911 2002 Turbo X-50 3.6L Coupe 6 AWD
5 132695 950 2020 462** 71300 Mercury Montclair 1965 NaN NO ENGINE Sedan 0 RWD
6 132829 950 2020 105** 71300 Mercury Montclair 1965 NaN NaN Sedan 0 NaN
7 5250 70000 2019 07627 6500 Land Rover Defender 1997 NaN 4.0 Liter Fuel Injected V8 NaN 0 4WD
8 29023 1330 2019 07043 167000 Honda Civic 2001 EX NaN Coupe 4 FWD
9 80293 25200 2019 33759 15000 Pontiac GTO 1970 NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN

As part of exploring the dataset let’s see about the distributiion of the mileage of the cars. We use cut to comnpute a “bin” for each item

max_distance = data["Mileage"].max()
# max_distance
mileage_dist = pd.cut(
    data["Mileage"], bins=np.linspace(0, 1_000_000, 10, endpoint=True)
0                (0.0, 111111.111]
1                              NaN
2                (0.0, 111111.111]
3                (0.0, 111111.111]
4                (0.0, 111111.111]
122139           (0.0, 111111.111]
122140    (111111.111, 222222.222]
122141           (0.0, 111111.111]
122142    (111111.111, 222222.222]
122143    (111111.111, 222222.222]
Name: Mileage, Length: 122144, dtype: category
Categories (9, interval[float64, right]): [(0.0, 111111.111] < (111111.111, 222222.222] < (222222.222, 333333.333] < (333333.333, 444444.444] ... (555555.556, 666666.667] < (666666.667, 777777.778] < (777777.778, 888888.889] < (888888.889, 1000000.0]]
# Let's see about the distribution
(0.0, 111111.111]           73813
(111111.111, 222222.222]    37788
(222222.222, 333333.333]     4885
(888888.889, 1000000.0]      1112
(333333.333, 444444.444]      404
(444444.444, 555555.556]       73
(555555.556, 666666.667]       58
(666666.667, 777777.778]       52
(777777.778, 888888.889]       41
Name: count, dtype: int64

We can find out which manufacturer sold the most cars, by grouping and then collapsing based on size

1964 International    1
2101                  1
300                   1
AC                    1
AC Cobra              1
ponitac               1
rambler               1
renault               1
smart                 1
willy's jeep          1
Length: 464, dtype: int64
# A sanity check
data.groupby("Make").size().sum() == len(data)
# Unpack this
Ford             22027
Chevrolet        21171
Toyota            6676
Mercedes-Benz     6241
Dodge             5899
BMW               5128
Jeep              4543
Cadillac          3657
Volkswagen        3589
Honda             3451
dtype: int64
Ford             22027
Chevrolet        21171
Toyota            6676
Mercedes-Benz     6241
Dodge             5899
BMW               5128
Jeep              4543
Cadillac          3657
Volkswagen        3589
Honda             3451
Name: count, dtype: int64

We might wonder how the price is related to the car attributes. Let’s consider it first as a function of milage

Question: Are these correlated?

fix, ax = plt.subplots()
# We take the mean in others
data.pivot_table("pricesold", index="Mileage", aggfunc="mean").plot(
    ax=ax, marker="x", linestyle="none"

Does it vary with year?

fix, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True, figsize=(16, 10))
# We take the mean in others
tab = data.pivot_table(
    "pricesold", index="Mileage", columns=["yearsold"], aggfunc="mean"
for i, year in enumerate((2018, 2019, 2020)):
    tab[year].plot(ax=ax[i], marker="x", linestyle="none")

At this point we would like to see about the role of the cars age. However, we find out there’s something off with the data.

# We see that we have 92, 0, 20140000
count    1.221440e+05
mean     3.959362e+03
std      1.984514e+05
min      0.000000e+00
25%      1.977000e+03
50%      2.000000e+03
75%      2.008000e+03
max      2.014000e+07
Name: Year, dtype: float64

We show one way of dealing with strangely formated data in the next example. In particular, we will address the problem already when reading the data.

2. People in Norway by region and age in 2022

The dateset is obtained from SSB and we see that the encoding of the age will present some difficulty for numerics.

with open("./data/nor_population2022.csv") as f:
    ln = 0
    while ln < 5:
        ln += 1
"30 Viken";"000 0 ar";"2022";"Personer";12620
"30 Viken";"001 1 ar";"2022";"Personer";12512
"30 Viken";"002 2 ar";"2022";"Personer";13203
"30 Viken";"003 3 ar";"2022";"Personer";13727

Our solution is to specify a converter for the column which uses regexp to get the age string which is converted to integer

import re

# And we also get rid of some redundant data
data = pd.read_csv(
    converters={"alder": lambda x: int("(\d+) (ar)", x).group(1))},
).drop(["ar", "xxx"], axis="columns")
region alder count
0 30 Viken 0 12620
1 30 Viken 1 12512
2 30 Viken 2 13203
3 30 Viken 3 13727
4 30 Viken 4 14003
... ... ... ...
1267 21 Svalbard 101 0
1268 21 Svalbard 102 0
1269 21 Svalbard 103 0
1270 21 Svalbard 104 0
1271 21 Svalbard 105 0

1272 rows × 3 columns

Question: Can you now fix the problem with car dataset?

We can have a look at the populaton in different regions


Or breakdown the distribution

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
data.pivot_table("count", index="alder", columns=["region"]).plot(ax=ax)
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f8a493da880>

3. Joining

This example is adopted from * Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas. We first download the datasets

for name in "abbrevs", "areas", "population":
    fname = f"state-{name}.csv"

You can see that they contain data [full name -> population], [full_name -> area], [abbreviation -> full_name]. Given this we want to order the stated by population density

abbrevs = pd.read_csv("./data/state-abbrevs.csv")
areas = pd.read_csv("./data/state-areas.csv")
pop = pd.read_csv("./data/state-population.csv")
state abbreviation
0 Alabama AL
1 Alaska AK
2 Arizona AZ
3 Arkansas AR
4 California CA
5 Colorado CO
6 Connecticut CT
7 Delaware DE
8 District of Columbia DC
9 Florida FL
(areas.columns, pop.columns, abbrevs.columns)
(Index(['state', 'area (sq. mi)'], dtype='object'),
 Index(['state/region', 'ages', 'year', 'population'], dtype='object'),
 Index(['state', 'abbreviation'], dtype='object'))

We want to build a table which has both areas and population info. To get there population should get abbreviation so that we can look up areas.

merged = pd.merge(
    pop, abbrevs, left_on="state/region", right_on="abbreviation", how="outer"
).drop("abbreviation", axis=1)
state/region ages year population state
0 AL under18 2012 1117489.0 Alabama
1 AL total 2012 4817528.0 Alabama
2 AL under18 2010 1130966.0 Alabama
3 AL total 2010 4785570.0 Alabama
4 AL under18 2011 1125763.0 Alabama

We inspect the integrity of dataset. Something is wrong with state/region which is a problem if we want to map further.

state/region    False
ages            False
year            False
population       True
state            True
dtype: bool

By further inspection the missing data is for “not the usual 50 states” and so we just drop them

merged.loc[merged["state"].isnull(), "state/region"].unique()
array(['PR', 'USA'], dtype=object)

We can add to our table (left merge) the areas

final = pd.merge(merged, areas, on="state")
state/region ages year population state area (sq. mi)
0 AL under18 2012 1117489.0 Alabama 52423
1 AL total 2012 4817528.0 Alabama 52423
2 AL under18 2010 1130966.0 Alabama 52423
3 AL total 2010 4785570.0 Alabama 52423
4 AL under18 2011 1125763.0 Alabama 52423

We use query (SQL like) language to get the right rows

table = final.query(
    "year == 2012 & ages == 'total'"
)  # final['population']/final['area (sq. mi)']
state/region ages year population state area (sq. mi)
1 AL total 2012 4817528.0 Alabama 52423
95 AK total 2012 730307.0 Alaska 656425
97 AZ total 2012 6551149.0 Arizona 114006
191 AR total 2012 2949828.0 Arkansas 53182
193 CA total 2012 37999878.0 California 163707
287 CO total 2012 5189458.0 Colorado 104100
289 CT total 2012 3591765.0 Connecticut 5544
383 DE total 2012 917053.0 Delaware 1954
385 DC total 2012 633427.0 District of Columbia 68
479 FL total 2012 19320749.0 Florida 65758

We will use the states to index into the column. By index preservation this will give us states to density

table.set_index("state", inplace=True)
density = table["population"] / table["area (sq. mi)"]
Alabama        91.897221
Alaska          1.112552
Arizona        57.463195
Arkansas       55.466662
California    232.121278
dtype: float64
District of Columbia    9315.102941
New Jersey              1016.710502
Rhode Island             679.808414
Connecticut              647.865260
Massachusetts            629.588157
Maryland                 474.318369
Delaware                 469.320880
New York                 359.359798
Florida                  293.815946
Pennsylvania             277.139151
dtype: float64

Question: Similar data can be obtained from Eurostat. The new thing is that the format .tsv. Let’s start parsing the population data

with open("./data/eustat_population.tsv") as f:
    ln = 0
    while ln < 10:
        ln += 1
unit,age,sex,geo\time	2010 	2011 	2012 	2013 	2014 	2015 	2016 	2017 	2018 	2019 	2020 	2021
NR,TOTAL,T,AL01	: 	: 	: 	: 	: 	: 	848059 	826904 	819793 	813758 	804689 	797955
NR,TOTAL,T,AL02	: 	: 	: 	: 	: 	: 	1110562 	1146183 	1162544 	1170142 	1176240 	1178435
NR,TOTAL,T,AL03	: 	: 	: 	: 	: 	: 	927405 	903504 	887987 	878527 	865026 	853351
NR,TOTAL,T,ALXX	: 	: 	: 	: 	: 	: 	: 	: 	0 	0 	: 	:
NR,TOTAL,T,AT11	283697 	284581 	285782 	286691 	287416 	288356 	291011 	291942 	292675 	293433 	294436 	296010
NR,TOTAL,T,AT12	1605897 	1609474 	1614455 	1618592 	1625485 	1636778 	1653691 	1665753 	1670668 	1677542 	1684287 	1690879
NR,TOTAL,T,AT13	1689995 	1702855 	1717084 	1741246 	1766746 	1797337 	1840226 	1867582 	1888776 	1897491 	1911191 	1920949
NR,TOTAL,T,AT21	557998 	556718 	556027 	555473 	555881 	557641 	560482 	561077 	560898 	560939 	561293 	562089
NR,TOTAL,T,AT22	1205045 	1206611 	1208696 	1210971 	1215246 	1221570 	1232012 	1237298 	1240214 	1243052 	1246395 	1247077

We see that the countries are subdivided. Let’s figure out the reader to help here

d = pd.read_csv(
    converters={0: lambda x:"([A-Z]{2})(\w\w)$", x).group(1)},
unit,age,sex,geo\time 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
0 AL : : : : : : 848059 826904 819793 813758 804689 797955
1 AL : : : : : : 1110562 1146183 1162544 1170142 1176240 1178435
2 AL : : : : : : 927405 903504 887987 878527 865026 853351
3 AL : : : : : : : : 0 0 : :
4 AT 283697 284581 285782 286691 287416 288356 291011 291942 292675 293433 294436 296010
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
337 UK 463388 465794 466605 466737 467326 467889 468903 469420 470743 470990 : :
338 UK : : 1915517 1924614 1933992 1946564 1961928 1976392 1988307 1998699 : :
339 UK : : 1499887 1500987 1504303 1510438 1520628 1531216 1536415 1541998 : :
340 UK : : 946492 945666 944842 944507 945233 946372 946837 947186 : :
341 UK 1799019 1809539 1818995 1826761 1835290 1846229 1857048 1866638 1875957 : : :

342 rows × 13 columns

The next challenge is to handle the missing values which do not show with d.isna() as all the values are strings and the missing is “: “. How would you solve this issue?

4. Timeseries analysis

Our final examples follows Chapter 4. in PDSH. We will be looking at statics from sensors counting bikers on a bridge. We have 2 counters one for left/right side each.

data = pd.read_csv("data/FremontBridge.csv", index_col="Date", parse_dates=True)
/tmp/ipykernel_419026/ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
  data = pd.read_csv("data/FremontBridge.csv", index_col="Date", parse_dates=True)
Fremont Bridge Sidewalks, south of N 34th St Fremont Bridge Sidewalks, south of N 34th St Cyclist East Sidewalk Fremont Bridge Sidewalks, south of N 34th St Cyclist West Sidewalk
2022-08-01 00:00:00 23.0 7.0 16.0
2022-08-01 01:00:00 12.0 5.0 7.0
2022-08-01 02:00:00 3.0 0.0 3.0
2022-08-01 03:00:00 5.0 2.0 3.0
2022-08-01 04:00:00 10.0 2.0 8.0

For the next steps we will only consider the total count of bikers so we simplify the table

data.columns = ["Total", "East", "West"]
data.drop("East", axis="columns", inplace=True)
data.drop("West", axis="columns", inplace=True)
2022-08-01 00:00:00 23.0
2022-08-01 01:00:00 12.0
2022-08-01 02:00:00 3.0
2022-08-01 03:00:00 5.0
2022-08-01 04:00:00 10.0
... ...
2023-08-31 19:00:00 224.0
2023-08-31 20:00:00 142.0
2023-08-31 21:00:00 67.0
2023-08-31 22:00:00 43.0
2023-08-31 23:00:00 12.0

95640 rows × 1 columns

Marking at the data we can definitely see Covid19 but also some seasonal variations

plt.ylabel("Hourly Bicycle Count");  # NOTE: that hour data is for every hour

We can downsample the signal to reveal the variations within year better. Below we downsample to Weeks

weekly = data.resample("W").sum()
# Confirmation
DatetimeIndex(['2012-10-07', '2012-10-14', '2012-10-21', '2012-10-28',
               '2012-11-04', '2012-11-11', '2012-11-18', '2012-11-25',
               '2012-12-02', '2012-12-09',
               '2023-07-02', '2023-07-09', '2023-07-16', '2023-07-23',
               '2023-07-30', '2023-08-06', '2023-08-13', '2023-08-20',
               '2023-08-27', '2023-09-03'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='Date', length=570, freq='W-SUN')
# And again
2012-10-07    40
2012-10-14    41
2012-10-21    42
2012-10-28    43
2012-11-04    44
2023-08-06    31
2023-08-13    32
2023-08-20    33
2023-08-27    34
2023-09-03    35
Freq: W-SUN, Name: week, Length: 570, dtype: UInt32
plt.ylabel("Weekly bicycle count");

Recall that having time series as index enables many convience functions. For example, we can group/bin data time points by hour and reduce on the subindices giving hous an hourly mean bike usage. It appears to correlate well with rush hours.

by_time = data.groupby(data.index.time).mean()
hourly_ticks = 4 * 60 * 60 * np.arange(6)  # 3600 * 24, every 4 hour
by_time.plot(xticks=hourly_ticks, style=["-"]);

We can repeat the same exercise, this time breaking up the data by hours to reveal that bikes are probably most used for commuting to work

by_weekday = data.groupby(data.index.dayofweek).mean()
by_weekday.index = ["Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]

Another look at the same thing using pivot_table

import matplotlib.colors as colors

Z = data.pivot_table(
    "Total", index=data.index.weekday, columns=[data.index.time]

plt.pcolor(Z, norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=Z.min(), vmax=Z.max()), cmap="inferno")
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f8a46820460>

The heatmap suggests that there are 2 peaks in weekdays and a single one during the weekend. We can varify this by essentially collapsing/averaging the plot in the vertical direction separately for the two categories of days. Let’s compute the mask for each day in the series

weekend = np.where(data.index.weekday < 5, "Weekday", "Weekend")

Using the mask we can group the data first by the day catogory and then by hours

by_time = data.groupby([weekend, data.index.time]).mean()
MultiIndex([('Weekday', 00:00:00),
            ('Weekday', 01:00:00),
            ('Weekday', 02:00:00),
            ('Weekday', 03:00:00)],

Finally we have the two collapsed plots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5))
    ax=ax[0], title="Weekdays", xticks=hourly_ticks, style=["-"]
    ax=ax[1], title="Weekends", xticks=hourly_ticks, style=["-"], color="red"

Question: Head on to Oslo Bysykkel web and get the trip data (as CSV). In the last years the students analyzed the trips by distance (see the IN3110 course webpage). What about the distribution of trips by the average speed? Can you use this to infer if the trip was going (on average) uphill or downhill?

bike_csv = "./data/oslo_bike_2022_09.csv"
    bike_csv, url=""
with open(bike_csv) as f:
2022-09-01 03:04:31.178000+00:00,2022-09-01 03:13:01.298000+00:00,510,437,Sentrum Scene,ved Arbeidersamfunnets plass,59.91546786564256,10.751140873016311,583,Galgeberg,langs St. Halvards gate,59.90707579234818,10.779164402446728

At this point we know that time info should be parsed with dates. For duration (in seconds) we will have ints

data = pd.read_csv(
    parse_dates=["started_at", "ended_at"],
    dtype={"duration": int},
started_at ended_at duration start_station_id start_station_name start_station_description start_station_latitude start_station_longitude end_station_id end_station_name end_station_description end_station_latitude end_station_longitude
0 2022-09-01 03:04:31.178000+00:00 2022-09-01 03:13:01.298000+00:00 510 437 Sentrum Scene ved Arbeidersamfunnets plass 59.915468 10.751141 583 Galgeberg langs St. Halvards gate 59.907076 10.779164
1 2022-09-01 03:11:09.104000+00:00 2022-09-01 03:14:52.506000+00:00 223 578 Hallings gate langs Dalsbergstien 59.922777 10.738655 499 Bjerregaards gate ovenfor Fredrikke Qvams gate 59.925488 10.746058
2 2022-09-01 03:11:37.861000+00:00 2022-09-01 03:23:23.939000+00:00 706 421 Alexander Kiellands Plass langs Maridalsveien 59.928067 10.751203 390 Saga Kino langs Olav Vs gate 59.914240 10.732771
3 2022-09-01 03:13:00.843000+00:00 2022-09-01 03:17:17.639000+00:00 256 735 Oslo Hospital ved trikkestoppet 59.903213 10.767344 465 Bjørvika under broen Nylandsveien 59.909006 10.756180
4 2022-09-01 03:13:13.330000+00:00 2022-09-01 03:24:15.758000+00:00 662 525 Myraløkka Øst ved Bentsenbrua 59.937205 10.760581 443 Sjøsiden ved trappen Oslo S 59.910154 10.751981

What is the station with most departures?

421     2133
1755    2079
480     1984
398     1970
551     1918
591       84
1919      74
454       72
560       58
573       44
Name: count, Length: 263, dtype: int64

We will approximate the trip distance by measing it as the geodesic between start and end points.

from math import asin, cos, pi, sin, sqrt

def trip_distance(row):
    """As the crow flies"""
    lat_station = row["start_station_latitude"]
    lon_station = row["start_station_longitude"]

    lat_sentrum = row["end_station_latitude"]
    lon_sentrum = row["end_station_longitude"]

    degrees = pi / 180  # convert degrees to radians
    a = (
        - (cos((lat_sentrum - lat_station) * degrees) / 2)
        + (
            cos(lat_sentrum * degrees)
            * cos(lat_station * degrees)
            * (1 - cos((lon_station - lon_sentrum) * degrees))
            / 2
    # We have the return value in meters
    return 12742_000 * asin(sqrt(a))  # 2 * R * asin...

distance = data.apply(trip_distance, axis="columns")
duration = data["duration"]
speed = distance / duration
<AxesSubplot: >

Bonus: Visualization

from ipyleaflet import Circle, Map, Marker, Polyline, basemap_to_tiles, basemaps
from ipywidgets import HTML

trip_csv = "./data/oslo_bike_2022_09.csv"
trips = pd.read_csv(trip_csv)
station_data = trips.groupby(
station_data = station_data.reset_index()
station_data = station_data.drop(columns=station_data.columns[-7:])
station_data = station_data.rename(columns={"started_at": "started_trips"})
station_data = station_data.set_index("start_station_id")
station_data["ended_trips"] = trips["end_station_id"].value_counts()

oslo_center = (
)  # NB ipyleaflet uses Lat-Long (i.e. y,x, when specifying coordinates)
oslo_map = Map(center=oslo_center, zoom=13, close_popup_on_click=False)

def add_markers(row):
    center = row["start_station_latitude"], row["start_station_longitude"]
    marker = Marker(location=center)
    marker2 = Circle(
        location=center, radius=int(0.04 * row["ended_trips"]), color="red"

    message = HTML()
    message.value = (
        f"{row['start_station_name']} <br> Trips started: {row['started_trips']}"

    marker.popup = message

station_data.apply(add_markers, axis=1)
377     None
378     None
380     None
381     None
382     None
2340    None
2347    None
2349    None
2350    None
2351    None
Length: 263, dtype: object